jsonparser.gs expects "val" to be never used (leads into numbers being replaced by an unrelated String)
I'm tired : I just passed SIX hours trying to understand a bug with one of my several-includes-long script, before understanding it was from my json parser all along, based on a miniscript parser found on google.
... It seems that we're based on the same one because it shares 99% of the source, including the same bug, so I'll document it here just in case you get it one day :)
I can't really provide a minimal example for this one, but basically, the json parser can provide a glitched result based on some (unknown) use of a variable named "val" in the calling function
Result of the bug :
If the parser is glitched, all numbers in the JSON will be parsed as the same (seemingly unrelated) String
As a secondary result, the same input can result into two different objects at two different point in a script's lifetime (really sneaky, right?)
In other words : 'toJSON(parse(input)) != input) because parse doesn't provide the expected JSON anymore
Reason of the bug :
The 'problem' lies in _parseNumber, line 254 : 'result = val(self.source[startPos : self._p])', note that in this case val is not a method of String, like String.to_int
My calling script somehow redirected the 'val' standard call to a local variable named 'val'. A search-and-replace of all uses of "val" into "value" in my scripts fixed the JSON loading problem
How to avoid the bug :
- Make sure to never use a variable named 'val' anywhere just to be safe
- If a script is uber-critical, don't use numerical values in an object meant to be converted into JSON
How to correct the bug :
... Honestly, I don't know at this time.
A) I finally understood this bug when I replaced this unknown val call with a (str).to_int, but it breaks the compatibility for floating numbers...
Other UNTESTED ideas :
B) Maybe there's a way to avoid triggering it from function variables by using "globals.val(" ?
C) SAVING @val in the Parser object should avoid redirecting the variable during the lifespan of the script, but even that wouldn't save against a script highjacking the global variable before the json parser got included
In my case, it broke all my vulnerabilities saving system because
because the memory VALue of my first exploit was stored in "val" before calling the toJSON method
[EDIT] Minimal example ( complete src file ):
- Copy jsonparser.gs (we'll name it "wtfjson.src")
- Add a bit of code at the end to allow to run the test
JSONbreaker = function()
json = "{""numeric"":5}"
val = "wtf"
end function
- Run "build wtfjson.src /bin/" then "wtfjson"
Console output :
Unit testing : json
All tests passed. Huzzah!
Note that this test did NOT use the preprocessor